Three Important Secrets To Win CityVille

If you are looking for a great way to excel in CityVille, this post will teach you how to turn your small town into a modern Metropolis, or perhaps this will give you just the right push to start your game.

Succeeding in CityVille is not so complicated, it is only important to know some basic mechanisms of the game. So let's now start growing your city!

Here are three magic pills CityVille ;-)

1. As much as possible, invite more friends to play. This is VERY important in this game. Being closer with losts of neighbors, you can visit their cities thus increasing your virtual economy and making more money. From this, you can receive free gifts, energy, and free help. We may add leverage to our official page on Facebook: You may also ask visitors to be added as a friend to other players. And as a bonus, helping others will earn you free cash and gifts.

2. Construct several buildings for the community. This is really necessary if you want to accommodate and support more people in your city. Building houses in CityVille without building buildings for the community in general will affect the mood of your population. If your people are sad, they will gain less experience and therefore go up in level more slowly.

3. Choose what to grow wisely. From the beginning you can choose between these two: the strawberries that can be collected in 8 minutes or carrots instead that take up to 8 hours. If you need merchandise to start your business at the beginning of the game, grow strawberries because they take much less time!

I'll publish more new tricks that I'll discover in CityVille, so keep checking this blog. :-)  And oh, kindly tweet this to your friends or like it on Facebook. :-)

CityVille For Newbies And Nonfans

So what's the hype with this game anyway??? What the heck is CityVille and why is everyone playing it? :-D

CityVille is the latest game created by Zynga, the creators of Farmville and FrontierVille. In CityVille, your primary task is to build a city from the ground up to make it become a thriving metropolis! This social game is very similar to other construction games you can play online and is also very similar to the famous SimCity. Yes, you play God. ;-) But there are some added bonuses for these new social games on Facebook and even if you're already familiar with them, my tutorials of CityVille tricks, strategies and tips to help you make rapid progress through the game will be beneficial.

100 million people since its launch have already tried! And what do you expect? In this blog, I will share with you all the information and tricks for this addictive application.

Have fun and see you around!

About Cityville Cheats Cash is dedicated for Cityville, the very popular Facebook game, and all the CityVille fans and players out there like me! I dedicate this blog especially to cityville tricks and tips for you.

Here you can read all about cheat codes for CityVille, tips and hacks and how to turn your town into the greatest cityville. :-) I want to introduce you useful tips, tricks and hacks and cheats for cityville, the incredibly well-known social game on Facebook.

Details of the maximizing energy at cityville, or the decoration techniques which may bring bonuses. Also how you can help your cityville friends. I would of course be very happy if you tell your friends from this side. If all will learn to play cityville well and occasionally use smart tricks, it will be exciting for all the friends and neighbors.

If you still have more questions about the cityville cheats and hacks that have not yet been answered, then simply use the comment function of this blog. Share this with your friends and happy playing!